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The following is a list of components and their relationship:

flowchart TD
    WindowManager[Window Manager] --> Window
    subgraph Window[Window 1..N]
        direction TB
        WorkspaceController[Workspace Controller]
        WorkspaceController --> Workspace
        subgraph Workspace[Workspace 1..N]
            direction TB
            Panel[Panel 1..N] --> Tab[Tab 1..N]
            Tab --> Page[Page]
  • Globally, there is always a single instance of a Window Manager, IWindowManager, that manages all windows.
  • A Window refers to an actual Avalonia Window. Using ReactiveUI, the View Model of this Window must implement IWorkspaceWindow.
  • Every Window has its own instance of IWorkspaceController for handling workspace related actions and queries.
  • The Workspace Controller keeps track of all instances of IWorkspaceViewModel. Multiple Workspaces can exist within the same Window, however, there can only be one active Workspace per Window.
  • A Workspace is essentially just a grid of Panels where each Panel implements IPanelViewModel. A Workspace is guaranteed to contain at least one Panel.
  • Each Panel can contain one or more Tabs that implement IPanelTabViewModel. There can only be one active Tab in a Panel.
  • Tabs contain a single Page which represent the actual contents.

Workspace Context

Every Workspace must have a context. This is literally just IWorkspaceContext Context on IWorkspaceViewModel. The interface is essentially just a marker interface, meaning it's completely empty:

public interface IWorkspaceContext;

By design, the context must be unique across all Workspaces in a Window. It can be used to identify a Workspace while also providing information on what the Workspace is used for. Without this context, anything outside a Workspace won't be able to refer to it without using a computer generated GUID.

Pages and Factories

The Page type is a simple record that contains the View Model and PageData. We have to be able to indirectly create Pages from anywhere, to achieve this, we use the factory pattern.

Implementations of IPageFactory have a hardcoded GUID and can create a Page given a context IPageFactoryContext. Consumers would want to use the more helpful APageFactory abstract class but that'll be covered later. Similar to IWorkspaceContext, IPageFactoryContext is just an empty interface that allows inheritors to provide context to the contents of a Page.

To create a Page, you only need to know the ID of the factory and the context you want to pass it. Both of these values are stored in the PageData property of the Page type. PageData gets serialized to save, and deserialized to restore, a Page.


See the Examples projects on how to use these concepts and APIs.