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Immutable Modlists

Immutability is a rather arcane term for a rather strange but yet simple idea: data that never changes This idea has gained popularity of late in so-called "Functional Programming languages" and has resulted in the concepts being applied to a whole set of computer science problems.

Immutable data never changes, if a list has 3 items in it, it always has exactly those three items in it. If someone wants a list with 4 items, they create a new list with the original 3 items in the list but a forth added on the end. If they want a list with 2 items they make a new list with one of the items missing. In this way, data never changes while someone is observing the data and if you ever don't like the changes you've made, you can revert to a previous bit of immutable data.

To visualize this, imagine we have a "singly linked list" of 4 items:

direction LR
List1 --> A
A --> B
B --> C
C --> D

In this diagram we can see that List1 consists of 4 items, A-D. But what if we want a new list of just B-D.

direction LR
List1 --> A
A --> B
B --> C
C --> D
List2 --> B

If we wanted a third list that added a new item to C-D we could easily do so:

direction LR
List1 --> A
A --> B
B --> C
C --> D
List2 --> B
List3 --> E
E --> C

This simple example shows two key features of immutable data. Firstly we see that the old versions of the list can easily co-exist with the new versions. Just because a new item was added (to a new list) or an item was removed, never changed the state of the old list. Secondly we see how optimization can come into play. Instead of cloning the entire list every time an item was added or removed, instead we see that portions of the list were re-used in new lists, this concept is known as "structural sharing".

Single linked lists are perhaps the easiest for of immutable data to implement, but with the creation of Clojure in ~2007, immutable hash maps and vectors (indexed arrays) were shown to be possible using structural sharing. Later on, the author of Clojure, Rich Hickey would go on to invent Datomic an immutable database. The very idea of Datomic is somewhat insane: the database is immutable. Terabytes of data can be accessible to a reader, while other processes can write to the database and those processes can see their changes as an immutable database. Each addition to the database results in a new "instance" of the database, and old instances remain available forever.

Since the introduction of Clojure the concepts of immutability have made their way through all aspects of computer science. Talos Linux is an immutable operating system. Apache Kafka is an immutable queue. Quiescent takes the ideas of immutability and applies them to React.JS to auto-resolve many of the should-update aspects of the framework.

The Big Idea

So this leads to the question: what can immutable data do for the modding world? A good way to start with answering this question is to ask what would happen if everything was immutable. What if our modlist was immutable data? That wouldn't do much good unless the files represented by that modlist was also immutable. So what would that look like? What if we could find some way to ensure that every change we made to our modlist resulted in a new modlist. That we could always roll back to a previous state, could swap between two forks of the same list, could add a mod to one fork then go to the other fork and look at different mod in that case?

Like most applications of immutablity this now becomes a problem of optimization. Clearly the simplistic approach of keeping cloning the entire game directory for every version of the list wouldn't be practical, but neither is cloning an entire single-linked list just to add one item.

The Data Model

To start with, every modlist will consist of a list of mods, files in those mods, and "Data Provinance" information about every file inside those mods. Data Provinance is a type of metadata that describes where the attached data originated. For example, if the user installed from my_mod.7z then the file entry in the mod may look something like this:

      Hash: 0x443434
        ArchiveName: my_mod.7z
        ArchiveHash: 0x4424233
        ArchivePath: path/to/
      - ...
      - ...

Storing a modlist in this way opens up some possibilities for a mod manager design. Firstly we no longer need to extract the file to "install it", we can delay installation until it's time to put the file in the game folder. Secondly, we don't need a staging folder, if any tool ever needs to access the file we can extract it on-demand. Granted this would be an expensive operation for "solid" archives such as 7zip, but there are many ways this could be optimized (for example with a bounded least-recently-used cache).

Once the user is happy with their modlist, they can choose to "Apply" the list.

Applying a List

The application of a list to a game folder then becomes a simple tree diff, where the contents of the game folder are compared against the desired modlist. Most of the time this will result in a "no-op" where no work needs to be done. This can be heavily optimized via a fast hashing algorithm and an examination of the last-modified values of the files. If the file in the game folder doesn't exist, then the applier would run to the appropriate archive and extract the file into the game folder. If a file exists that shouldn't exist, the file is deleted (and perhaps archived for future retrieval).

Naturally running out to the archives to extract a single file isn't an efficient access pattern, so the correct implementation here would be to batch all the files to be extracted from a single archive and extract them all at once.

An interesting point to note is that this method has none of the drawbacks of several modern mod managers. There are no hard links, soft links, junctions, function hooking, staging folders, etc. It does require users to keep the archives for all the mods they have downloaded, but with proper data provinance, if a user deletes an archive they could be prompted to re-download it when required. This system is also very disk agnostic, since archives are compressed and often read in chunks it's perfectly acceptable for users to store their downloads on HDDs, external drives or even a network share. The afore mentioned file caches could also be stored on these less performant drives since their only design is to reduce the overhead of seeking through non-indexed solid archives.

The performance of this "list application" is a function of the number of changes that have occurred between one application and the next. Thankfully normal modding practices help us here. It is uncommon for users to download 100GB of mods and never test between installing the first and the last of the mods. Instead most users tend to install one or two mods, or perhaps a dozen, then test the game, then install a few more. Thus the cost of applying a list is amortized over the lifetime of the list.

Normal Workflows

During modding, users may perform several operations on a modlist and a game folder. These modifications are often destructive, and unfortunately we lack the required APIs to re-download these files from many of the original sources. Thus we must track these files that are commonly modified and back them up so they can be restored at a later time. Thankfully the list of files users tend to modify is fairly well known and so we should be able to keep these in a predefined list. For example, for Skyrim these files are plugin files (.esm, .esp, .esl), and not the game archives or executables. When users modify the archives they tend to download pre-created optimized archives, and in these cases the mod manager will be replacing the files.

Decision Graph

Here is a basic flow graph of the modlist application process:

  A[For each file in Modlist] --> B{Does it exist in\n the game folder?}
  B --> |No| C[Copy the File\n into the Folder]
  B --> |Yes| D{Does the hash match?}
  D --> |Yes| E[Do Nothing]
  D --> |No| F{Does the dest file exist \n in an archive backup?}
  F --> |Yes| C
  F --> |No| G[Backup the dest file]
  G --> C
  H[For each game file not in Modlist] --> I{Does it exist\n in the backups?}
  I --> |Yes| J[Delete it]
  I --> |No| K[Backup the file]
  K --> M[Delete the file]

When a game is first "managed" by the modding application, a non-removable modlist would be created from the game files that contains all the game files in a single mod. This modlist would then be the starting modlist from which all future modlists for the game would be forked.

This snapshotting of the current gamefolder, and a deriving of a modlist from the state can then be leveraged to perform change tracking before and after a game or a tool is run. For example, let's take the case of a user running quickAutoClean.exe on their Skyrim game plugins.

  • The user adds ModA
  • They apply the modlist
  • They launch quickAutoClean.exe through the app
  • The quickAutoClean.exe program modifies the plugin then exits
  • The mod manager does a diff and recognizes that the file has a new last-modified date
  • The new file is archived, and tracked with Data Provinance information stating that while it originated in ModA it was modified by quickAutoClean.exe
  • The current modlist is cloned and updated to include the new cleaned plugin and the associated provinance information

At this point the user sees the effect of their actions, and nothing has really changed for them. However their list is now properly linked to the previous versions. They can run the game, and perhaps decide they don't want that mod to be cleaned, now all they need do is revert their "active list" to the version before they ran the cleaning tool, click "apply" again, and all the destructive edits are reverted.