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Use a custom File System abstraction

Context and Problem Statement

The APIs of the standard library (System.IO) use the real file system and basic types like string for paths and integers for file sizes. Using the real file system not only slows down test execution, but it can also have unforeseen consequences when running tests in parallel.

Another issue arises when trying to support tools like Wine and Proton. Wine is a compatability layer that can run Windows applications on Linux, without requiring a virtual machine. Wine creates "prefixes", which contain a virtual C: drive. Using the APIs of the standard library, we are unable to correctly make use of this virtual drive, without rewriting all internal and external code, to be aware of Wine prefixes, and other virtualization.

Decision Drivers

We need a library with the following features:

  • provides an abstraction over the real file system
  • provides a mock-able interface for testing
  • provides an implementation that uses the real file system
  • provides an implementation that uses an in-memory file system for testing
  • exposes a limited set of public APIs which uses nominal typing
  • allows for path re-mapping: /foo/bar should redirect to /baz
  • allows for cross-platform path re-mapping: C:\\foo\\bar should be converted to /c/foo/bar and redirected to /baz

Considered Options

  • System.IO.Abstraction: this provides fully mock-able interfaces and test implementations for the entire System.IO namespace. As such, it contains almost every function from the standard library, but returns interfaces wherever possible. The library doesn't change any functionality, nor any function signature, aside from returning it's own interface types, when necessary. Finally, this library doesn't allow for path re-mappings, doesn't properly work with cross-platform paths, as it just redirects all calls to the standard library.

  • Custom library: the DIY approach allows us to provide a limited set of APIs, tailored towards our use-case that also uses our internal types.

Decision Outcome

We created a custom interface called IFileSystem in the NexusMods.Paths project, with an implementation that uses the real file system called FileSystem, and an implementation that uses an in-memory fake file system called InMemoryFileSystem.

The available APIs in IFileSystem use our custom types:

  • AbsolutePath instead of raw strings
  • Size instead of raw integers
  • IFileEntry instead of System.IO.FileInfo
  • IDirectoryEntry instead of System.IO.DirectoryInfo

Path re-mapping is done in the abstract class BaseFileSystem, which implements IFileSystem and is the parent class of FileSystem and InMemoryFileSystem. Having this parent class reduces code duplication and provides separation of concerns for the concrete implementations:

flowchart TD
    A[IFileSystem.OpenFile] -- path = /foo/bar --> B[BaseFileSystem.OpenFile]
    B -- path = /foo/bar --> C[BaseFileSystem.GetMappedPath]
    C -- path = /foo/baz --> D[FileSystem.InternalOpenFile]
    D --> E[System.IO.File.Open]


The app is very IO heavy by design, and thus has a lot of file system calls. Replacing all mentions of System.IO with the new file system abstraction will take some time. Internal legacy APIs have been marked as deprecated and new code should make use of IFileSystem without any issue.