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00: Explanation of Library Item Deletion

Removing items from the Library is a tricky subject.

Problem Statement

In other words, what is the context we're working with.

  • Mod Library is a collection of mods we have downloaded, or added from other sources.
  • A mod (LoadoutItem) is added to a loadout via the library,
  • We want to remove items from the Library.

View of our DataModel

    LoadoutItem {
        string Name
        bool IsDisabled
        Loadout Loadout
        OptionalLoadoutItemGroup Parent

    LoadoutItemGroup {
        LoadoutItem[] Children

    LibraryLinkedLoadoutItem {
        LibraryItem LibraryItem


    LibraryLinkedLoadoutItem ||--|| LoadoutItem : includes
    LibraryLinkedLoadoutItem ||--|| LibraryItem : references

    LoadoutItemGroup ||--|| LoadoutItem : includes
    LoadoutItemGroup ||--|{ LoadoutItem : references
    LoadoutItemGroup }|--|| Loadout : contains

We have many loadouts which each contain many LoadoutItems.

A LoadoutItemGroup is a LoadoutItem which is a collection of LoadoutItem(s).

Each LoadoutItem is linked to a LibraryItem via a join entity called LibraryLinkedLoadoutItem, HOWEVER not all LoadoutItem(s) are linked to a LibraryItem.

For example:

  • A LibraryItem that was never added to a Loadout will not have a LibraryLinkedLoadoutItem entry.
  • A LibraryItem may have multiple LibraryLinkedLoadoutItem entries, if added to multiple loadouts.
  • Some LoadoutItem(s) may not have a corresponding LibraryItem at all.
    • For example: The Game Files and Overrides are not LibraryItem(s), but are LoadoutItem(s).

Edge Cases

When we delete a mod or number of mods from the Library, there are several cases we need to consider.

  • IsNexus: Whether a mod was downloaded from Nexus Mods

    • Explanation: Nexus Mods is currently the only currently supported mod source that has guarantees files will always be available for download. (Files are not removed)
  • IsDownload && !IsNexus: Whether a mod was downloaded from NOT Nexus Mods

    • Explanation: Files on other websites may be removed by the site, mod author, or other reasons.
    • We should warn the user that recovering the mod may be difficult.
  • IsManuallyAdded: Whether a mod was added manually by the user from a raw archive file.

    • Explanation: The user may have added a mod from a source that is not a mod site.
    • The mod can only be recovered if the user still has the original file.
  • IsAddedToAnyLoadout: Whether the mod has been added to any loadout.

    • Explanation: The mod will need removing from all loadouts it is in.
    • The user should be warned about this, before proceeding.

Having to support multi-select makes this a bit more complex too. States may be mixed, for example you can select an item that is both IsNexus and IsManuallyAdded.

One of these should show a warning, the other should not.

UI Behaviour

  • IsNexus: No warning.
  • IsDownload && !IsNexus: Warning that file may not be restored because it may be deleted.
  • IsManuallyAdded: Warning that file may not be restored because it's from disk.
  • IsAddedToAnyLoadout: Warning that the mod is in a loadout and will be removed from it.

Current Status

Some of these cases don't currently apply, thus the actual warnings are not implemented.

  • IsNexus: N/A
  • IsDownload && !IsNexus: N/A
  • IsManuallyAdded: ⚠
    • Implemented, but we're choosing not to show it until we get user feedback.
  • IsAddedToAnyLoadout: ✅

If the case is not checked, we don't currently support the use case (e.g. restore a download, rollback a loadout), and thus the warning does not strictly need to be shown.