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Context and Problem Statement

This is a design document

This document focuses more on how GC will be implemented in the application, rather than the tradeoffs/benefits of having a GC in the first place, etc.

As users interact with the application, creating and deleting loadouts, mods and more; there will be an ever-growing amount of files which are no longer needed on disk.

Sources of unused files may include:

  • Removed loadouts.
    • Example: After removing a loadout, some LoadoutItems backed by a file are no longer referenced in any loadout.
  • Trimmed/reset loadout history.
    • Example: Removing loadout history will remove references to LoadoutItems, which will leave unreferenced files.

Design Overview

The Garbage Collection mechanism is implemented using a mark-and-sweep approach.

This can be broken down into the following steps:

Parsing Nx Archives

This process involves identifying all archives the App has available, and which files are contained within them.

The App may extract files from archives from a number of locations, not just a single folder.

These locations are (today) declared by DataModelSettings.ArchiveLocations, and would be customizable by the user in the future.

To obtain the list of all files the App can extract, we find all .nx files within each of the DataModelSettings.ArchiveLocations locations and use the HeaderParser API. From there we can access the Entries field and obtain the hashes of all files in the archive.

This process takes around 60us for a typical .nx archive (4K header) and an NVMe SSD.

Though expect it to take longer in practice due to high handle open overhead (especially on Windows).

Performing the Mark Phase

How we identify all the 'used' files.

As with any Garbage Collector, we need to identify all the 'roots' of a tree from which files may be referenced from.

As of current time, the following are the known roots in the DataStore:

  • Mod Library
    • Any item in the library may be added to a loadout at any time, thus must not be deleted.
    • More specifically, we're interested in LibraryArchiveFileEntry objects which are not retracted. These are the files that are stored inside archives added to the library.
  • Loadouts
    • Loadouts have some LoadoutItems which do not correspond to a LibraryItem.
    • Example: Game Files and Overrides files.

The DataModel has the following approximate structure:

    Loadout ||--|{ LoadoutItem : contains

    LibraryLinkedLoadoutItem {
        LibraryItem LibraryItem

    LibraryItem ||--|| LibraryLinkedLoadoutItem : references

    LoadoutItemGroup ||--|{ LoadoutItem : contains
    LoadoutItemGroup ||--|| LoadoutItem : is_a

    LoadoutItem {
        string Name
        bool IsDisabled
        Loadout Loadout
        OptionalLoadoutItemGroup Parent

    LoadoutItemWithTargetPath ||--|| LoadoutItem : is_a
    LoadoutItemWithTargetPath {
        GamePath TargetPath

    LoadoutFile ||--|| LoadoutItemWithTargetPath : is_a
    LoadoutFile {
        Hash Hash
        Size Size

    LibraryLinkedLoadoutItem ||--|| LoadoutItem : is_a

Loadouts can contain any item which derives from LoadoutItem.

This includes LoadoutItemGroup, LoadoutItemWithTargetPath, LoadoutFile etc. These links have been omitted for clarity.

Additional types based on LoadoutItemWithTargetPath may exist.

For example something like {ModFramework}LoadoutFile, etc.

In order to scan for files, you iterate over all loadouts that are not retracted/deleted; then walk through all of the LoadoutItem instances which derive from LoadoutItemWithTargetPath; this will get us the Game Files and Overrides files.

Then we must walk through all the files associated with LibraryItem instances, as these may be re-added any time through the mod library.

All of these items would go in the UsedFileList (B).

Unaccounted files will lead to disaster.

A file that is used, but has not been seen as the GC will be deleted. That's no good!!

Contributors must not put files via a system external to loadouts in one of the Archives directories without adding additional roots into the GC.

Removing Unused Items

This is also known as repacking.

To put it in simple terms, we create a new archive, with some files from the original archive excluded.

Efficient support for doing this has been added into the Nx library, and is available as part of NexusMods.Archive.Nx 0.5.0 (Release Notes). Most of the time spent repacking is a straight byte for byte copy of the compressed Nx blocks; aside from the rare occasions where some files need to be dropped from small (Max 1MB with current settings) SOLID blocks.

This process is therefore bottlenecked entirely by the speed of I/O.

Updating the DataStore

An extra step is needed.

The DataStore (see: NxFileStore), has copies of the FileEntry structs from the Nx archives (as ArchivedFile). These include the info needed to extract the files and must be updated.

Possibility of corruption in event of power loss.

The new archive file MUST NOT replace the old archive on the filesystem.

It is not possible to replace the old .nx archive and update the ArchivedFile entries in an atomic fashion. Therefore, during repacking, always create a new archive file, and then point the existing ArchivedFile entries to the new archive instead.

Concurrency and Locks

Files actively in use by NxFileStore cannot be deleted during GC process.

A concurrent change to ArchivedFile in itself is not dangerous, given that by the time it is updated, the new archive will exist alive and well.

However, if NxFileStore is actively extracting a file from an archive, the GC should not delete the source .nx archive, a lock must be placed to prevent that edge case from happening.

Core Code Design

The main modular 'core' of the GC lives as ArchiveGarbageCollector<TParsedHeaderState, TFileEntryWrapper>

It is composed of the following building blocks:

  1. ArchiveGarbageCollector<TParsedHeaderState, TFileEntryWrapper>: The main entry point for the Garbage Collection process.
  2. ArchiveReference<TParsedHeaderState>: Represents an individual archive file.
  3. HashEntry: Tracks reference counts for individual file hashes.
    class ArchiveGarbageCollector~TParsedHeaderState, TFileEntryWrapper~ {
        -ConcurrentDictionary~Hash, ArchiveReference~ HashToArchive
        -ConcurrentQueue~ArchiveReference~ AllArchives
        +AddArchive(AbsolutePath, TParsedHeaderState)
        +CollectGarbage(IProgress~double~, RepackDelegate)

    class ArchiveReference~TParsedHeaderState~ {
        +AbsolutePath FilePath
        +Dictionary~Hash, HashEntry~ Entries
        +TParsedHeaderState HeaderState

    class HashEntry {
        +Hash Hash
        -int _refCount

    ArchiveGarbageCollector *-- ArchiveReference : contains
    ArchiveReference *-- HashEntry : contains

Process Flow

Explains how to use the ArchiveGarbageCollector.

  1. Archive Collection

    • Method: AddArchive(AbsolutePath archivePath, TParsedHeaderState header)
    • This performs the Parsing Nx Archives step.
    • We determine AllFileList (A).
  2. Reference Marking

    • Method: AddReferencedFile(Hash hash)
    • This helps perform the Mark Phase.
    • Increments the reference count for each file hash found in HashToArchive.
    • We determine UsedFileList (B).
  3. Garbage Collection and Archive Repacking

    • Method: CollectGarbage(IProgress<double>? progress, RepackDelegate doRepack)
    • Iterates through all archives, creating a list of file hashes with reference count >= 1.
    • If the number of referenced files is less than the total files in the archive, trigger a repack operation.
    • Any files in archive but not in (in AllFileList (A) but not UsedFileList (B)) should be removed.

For example use, please see the tests.

Why is there a reference count?

For future use with archive compaction.

Repacking Callback

The repacking process is delegated to a user provided function

As seen in the CollectGarbage method above.

public delegate void RepackDelegate(IProgress<double> progress, List<Hash> hashes, ArchiveReference<TParsedHeaderState> archive);

This makes testing easier, and provides greater flexibility.

To this method we plug a function to Remove Unused Items and Update the DataStore.

Open Questions

  • When should Garbage Collection run?
    • Should it be triggered in the background automatically?
    • Or perhaps as part of events like loadout deletion?
  • Are there any specific optimizations needed for very large numbers of archives or files?
    • Other than the ones already brought up in this ADR.

Some of these will be decided in the future, based on results.

Future Work

These items would eventually require their own separate ADR and issues.

Hard deletion of old loadout data on GC.

Post GC, legacy loadout data does not serve much usefulness

Leftover legacy data in the Database would instead slow down queries, including those needed by Garbage Collection itself. Ideally, entire entities could be completely removed from the DataStore.

Limiting Archive Sizes on Backup

Performance of the repacking step is limited by disk speed.

Some mods, for example Skyrim 202X: Architecture, can be quite large; for instance, in this case, around 10GiB.

This is problematic, because if you download an update to this mod, which has some new files, and then delete the old version; a large amount of the 10GiB archive may still be used. In which case this amounts to a 10GiB copy.

The current proposal is to limit archive size to 1GiB; but this may change in the future.

Archive Compaction/Merging

Removal of Mod Versions/Revisions May lead to Fragmentation of Mod Files

Consider a situation where you have a long-lived loadout with some large mods:

graph LR
    V8["202X V8\nFiles: 650"] --> V9["202X V9\nFiles: 100"]
    V9 --> V10["202X V10\nFiles: 100"]
    V10 --> V11["202X V11\nFiles: 100"]

(Where each version's file count shows a number of new or changed files.)

Eventually you may delete a loadout, or trim the history of a loadout, which may leave you with a situation like this:

graph LR
    V8["202X V8\nFiles: 650"] --> V9["202X V9\nFiles: 720"]
    V9 --> V10["202X V10\nFiles: 100"]
    V10 --> V11["202X V11\nFiles: 100"]
    style V8 fill:#40404040,stroke:#ffffff,color:#ffffff
    style V9 fill:#40404040,stroke:#ffffff,color:#ffffff
    style V10 fill:#40404040,stroke:#ffffff,color:#ffffff

If you want to extract 202X V11, you'll need to extract the contents left in the original archives made by V8, V9, V10, and V11; even though the older versions of these mods no longer exist.

In the long term, this sort of fragmentation will lead to a lot of handle opens and as a result, slow apply times (especially on Windows).

No planned work for this yet; just a far future concern needing addressing.

Meeting Notes