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High Level API


The recommended way to use the library is through the high level Fluent API.


Use the NxPackerBuilder API to fluently create a new archive.

var builder = new NxPackerBuilder();
builder.WithOutput(new FileStream(target, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite));

// Set some settings
if (blocksize.HasValue) builder.WithBlockSize(blocksize.Value);
if (chunksize.HasValue) builder.WithBlockSize(chunksize.Value);
if (solidLevel.HasValue) builder.WithSolidCompressionLevel(solidLevel.Value);
if (chunkedLevel.HasValue) builder.WithChunkedLevel(chunkedLevel.Value);
if (solidAlgorithm.HasValue) builder.WithSolidBlockAlgorithm(solidAlgorithm.Value);
if (chunkedAlgorithm.HasValue) builder.WithChunkedFileAlgorithm(chunkedAlgorithm.Value);
if (threads.HasValue) builder.WithMaxNumThreads(threads.Value);
builder.WithChunkedDeduplication(deduplicateChunked); // deduplicate chunks during packing
builder.WithSolidDeduplication(deduplicateSolid); // deduplicate files in SOLID blocks during packing

// Make the Archive
builder.Build(); // Blocking


Use the NxUnpackerBuilder API to fluently extract an archive.

// Make the builder.
var stream = new FileStream(source, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
var builder = new NxUnpackerBuilder(new FromStreamProvider(stream));

// Output all files to disk.
builder.AddFilesWithDiskOutput(builder.GetFileEntriesRaw(), outputDirectory);

if (threads.HasValue)

// Extract the archive.
builder.Extract(); // Blocking


Use the NxRepackerBuilder and its derivatives for 'repacking' archives.

In this case 'repacking' means taking an existing archive and adding/removing files to/from it in an efficient manner.

The NxRepackerBuilder is an extension of NxPackerBuilder, so you can use it as a drop-in replacement.

It allows you to add files which are already present in an existing Nx archive in an extremely efficient manner.

Under the hood this enables for

Use cases of this include:

  • Combining multiple Nx archives into one.
  • Quick deletion of files from an existing Nx archive.
  • Quickly packing an updated version of a mod (file) based off of an older version.


// Use any IFileDataProvider to provide the existing archive.
// Ideally memory mapped provider, i.e. FromFilePathProvider
// if file is on disk.
var provider = new FromFilePathProvider() {
    FilePath = "existing.nx"  
var header = HeaderParser.ParseHeader(provider);

var repackerBuilder = new NxRepackerBuilder();

// Add files from existing archive
repackerBuilder.AddFilesFromNxArchive(nxSource, header, header.Entries.AsSpan());

// Configure output
repackerBuilder.WithOutput(new FileStream("repacked.nx", FileMode.Create));

// Build the repacked archive
using var outputStream = repackerBuilder.Build();

Key methods:

  • AddFileFromNxArchive: Adds a single file from an archive.
  • AddFilesFromNxArchive: Adds multiple files from an archive.

Repacking and Deduplication logic are purely hash based.

There is a tiny, insignificant chance of unintended consequences if a hash collision occurs.

Only repacking of Nx archives with equal chunk sizes is supported.

If two archives have non-matching chunk sizes, the repacker will throw an error.

Merging Archives

Use NxDeduplicatingRepackerBuilder for merging archives.

This is a derivative of NxRepackerBuilder which automatically deduplicates files by hash as they are added.

Mid Level API


Lower level API is for those who want to get more control over the packing process.


For packing archives, use the NxPacker.Pack API.


using var output = File.Create("archive.nx");
var settings = new PackerSettings { Output = output };
var files = FileFinder.GetFiles("some/folder/path");
NxPacker.Pack(files, settings);

In this example, we get the files to pack from a directory using the FileFinder API, specify the settings using PackerSettings and then call NxPacker.Pack to pack the files.

The files parameter is of type PackerFile[], which has the following interface.

public class PackerFile : IHasRelativePath, IHasFileSize, IHasSolidType, IHasCompressionPreference, ICanProvideFileData
    // IFileDataProvider(s) are provided in NexusMods.Archives.Nx.FileProviders namespace !!
    // They use names called `FromXXXProvider` where XXX is the source.
    public required IFileDataProvider FileDataProvider { get; init; }
    public string RelativePath { get; init; } = string.Empty;
    public long FileSize { get; init; }

    // Only honoured if SolidType == NoSolid
    public CompressionPreference CompressionPreference { get; set; } = CompressionPreference.NoPreference;
    public SolidPreference SolidType { get; set; } = SolidPreference.Default;

This allows you more granular control of where the data to be compressed is sourced from, for example you can create a file to be packed from an array in memory by doing the following:

return new PackerFile()
    FileSize = fileSize,
    RelativePath = $"SomeCoolFile",
    FileDataProvider = new FromArrayProvider { Data = data }

Or you can request a file to not be placed in any SOLID block by doing the following:

packerFile.CompressionPreference = CompressionPreference.ZStandard;
packerFile.SolidType = SolidPreference.NoSolid;


This API is not thread safe. If you need to unpack multiple archives in parallel, create a new instance of NxUnpacker for each concurrent operation.

var provider = new FromStreamProvider(fileStream);
var unpacker = new NxUnpacker(provider);
// var onDisk = unpacker.ExtractFilesToDisk(unpacker.GetFileEntriesRaw(), temporaryFilePath.FolderPath, new UnpackerSettings());
// var inMemory = unpacker.ExtractFilesInMemory(unpacker.GetFileEntriesRaw(), new UnpackerSettings());

To unpack, use the NxUnpacker API. The NxUnpacker constructor takes a IFileDataProvider as a parameter; i.e. the same interface as used by files to be packed.

Fetching Files

After using the constructor you can call unpacker.GetFileEntriesRaw() to get a list of file entries from within the archive and use GetFilePath(FileEntry entry); to get the names of the returned entries, i.e.

Span<FileEntry> entries = unpacker.GetFileEntriesRaw();
foreach (var entry in entries) 
    var name = unpacker.GetFilePath(entry);

    // Do something with entry.

Extracting to Arbitrary Outputs

If you are extracting the files to disk or memory, you can use unpacker.ExtractFilesToDisk/unpacker.ExtractFilesInMemory directly instead.

This example shows how to manually set up extracting to an array.

Span<FileEntry> files = unpacker.GetFileEntriesRaw();
// outputs must be covariant with IOutputDataProvider[]
var outputs = new OutputArrayProvider[files.Length];
for (var x = 0; x < files.Length; x++)
    var entry = files[x];
    var relPath = unpacker.GetFilePath(entry);
    outputs.DangerousGetReferenceAt(x) = new OutputArrayProvider(relPath, entry);

// Extract the files.
unpacker.ExtractFiles(outputs, new UnpackerSettings());

// Results are available in `outputs` array.

To unpack to an arbitrary source, prepare an array of IOutputDataProvider and call unpacker.ExtractFiles.

You can find existing implementations of IOutputDataProvider in the NexusMods.Archives.Nx.FileProviders namespace, they follow the naming convention OutputXXXProvider.


Implementations of IOutputDataProvider are disposed by the unpacker after use. Do not manually dispose or use using statement; they will be disposed as needed.

Low Level API

Low level APIs, such as those for creating blocks for packing and chunking files are currently not exposed.