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FileFinder Class

A utility class for creating PackerFile(s) which can be fed into the packing APIs such as NxPacker.Pack.


This is a static class.


Retrieves all packable files from a directory.

List<PackerFile> GetFiles(string directoryPath, SearchOption searchOption)

The search option specifies whether the search operation should include all subdirectories or only the current directory.


Depending on the .NET version, the implementation of this method varies. For .NET Standard 2.1 or greater, this method is considerably faster with the use of newer APIs.

GetFiles (EnumerationOptions)

For .NET Standard 2.1 or greater, the following API is available.

List<PackerFile> GetFiles(string directoryPath, EnumerationOptions options)

This API accepts some additional enumeration options to use when searching for files.


Creating Packable Files

var files = FileFinder.GetFiles("C:/Mods/SomeCoolMod", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
foreach (var file in files)
    Console.WriteLine($"Found file: {file.RelativePath}, Size: {file.FileSize}");

In this example, the GetFiles method is used to find all files in the specified directory and its subdirectories.
The result of this can be printed to console, or sent straight to the mid-level API packer.