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The IHasCompressionPreference trait allows an item to declare the compression algorithm it wants to be processed with.



CompressionPreference CompressionPreference { get; }

This property gets the preferred algorithm to compress the item with. The CompressionPreference enum specifies the available compression algorithms.

The CompressionPreference enum defines the following values (at time of writing):

  • NoPreference: No preference is specified.
  • Copy: Do not compress at all, copy data verbatim.
  • ZStandard: Compress with ZStandard.
  • Lz4: Compress with LZ4.


public class MyCompressibleItem : IHasCompressionPreference
    /// <inheritdoc />
    public required CompressionPreference CompressionPreference { get; init; }

// Set the preference.
MyCompressibleItem.CompressionPreference = CompressionPreference.Lz4;

In this example, MyCompressibleItem implements the IHasCompressionPreference interface.
MyCompressibleItem can then be used in methods constrained with where T : IHasCompressionPreference.