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HeaderParser Class

The HeaderParser class is a utility for parsing .nx file header.

You can use this to parse just the header (incl. Table of Contents) if you don't want to extract the files.



Parses the header from a given data provider.

This is a wrapper around TryParseHeader that does automatic error handling and extracts the full header.

The difference between this and TryParseHeader is that in more exotic settings like downloading header over a network, TryParseHeader will return immediately on insufficient data, while ParseHeader might stall until all data is available.

static unsafe ParsedHeader ParseHeader(IFileDataProvider provider, bool hasLotsOfFiles = false)


  • provider: Provides the header data.
  • hasLotsOfFiles: This is a hint to the parser whether the file to be parsed contains lots of individual files (100+).


A successfully parsed ParsedHeader instance.


  • NotANexusArchiveException: Not a Nexus Archive.


Tries to read the header from the given data.

public static unsafe HeaderParserResult TryParseHeader(byte* data, int dataSize)


  • data: Pointer to header data.
  • dataSize: Number of bytes available at data.


A result with HeaderParserResult.Header not null if parsed, else HeaderParserResult.Header is null and you should call this method again with a larger dataSize. The required number of bytes is specified in HeaderParserResult.HeaderSize.


  • NotANexusArchiveException: Not a Nexus Archive.

HeaderParserResult Struct

Stores the result of parsing header.


  • Header: The parsed header to use with extraction logic. If this header is null, insufficient bytes are available and you should get required header size from HeaderSize and call the method again once you have enough bytes.
  • HeaderSize: Required size of the header + toc in bytes.


  • HeaderParserResult(): Creates a HeaderParserResult.


Parsing a Header

var provider = new FromArrayProvider() { Data = data };
var parsedHeader = HeaderParser.ParseHeader(provider);

Trying to Parse a Header

var provider = new SomeNetworkProvider(someUrl);
using var data = provider.GetFileData(0, (uint)headerSize);
var result = TryParseHeader(data.Data, headerSize);
if (result.Header != null)
    Console.WriteLine("Header parsed successfully!");
    Console.WriteLine("Failed to parse header. Required header size: " + result.HeaderSize);