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The FromStreamProvider class is a file data provider that provides file data from a stream.

Underlying stream must support seeking.


  • Stream: The stream associated with this provider.
  • StreamStart: The start position of the stream.


  • FromStreamProvider(stream): Creates a FromStreamProvider instance with the specified stream.



Retrieves file data from the stream based on the given start index and length.

public IFileData GetFileData(ulong start, ulong length)


var provider = new FromStreamProvider(GetFileStream());

// Get file data from the stream
using var fileData = provider.GetFileData(0, 1024);

// Use fileData...

In this example, a stream is obtained from a source, and a FromStreamProvider is created with the stream. The GetFileData method is then used to retrieve file data from the stream starting at index 0 with a length of 1024. The resulting IFileData object can be used as needed.